Veronica beccabunga

Plant Name Veronica beccabunga L.
Botanical Info Perennial, 5-60cm of height
Geography Central Asia: Syr-Darya, Pamiro-Alay, Tyan –Shan. On shores of reservoirs, stony,rubbly slopes, to uppermountain girdles.
Chemical Content Carbohydrates and related compounds: glucose, laevulose, sucrose, melitose, D-mannit. Iridoids: aucubin 0.81 %, aucuboside, catalpole, catalposide. Cardenolids.

Steroids: β-sitosterin. Phenolcarbonic acids: coffeic, ferulic, vanillinic. Flavonoids. The highest aliphatic hydrocarbons: triacontane. Fatty acids. An above-ground part. Organic acids: shikimic, quinic. Iridoids: aucubin, isocatalpole, catalpole, methylcatalpole, acetate of catalpol, garpagide acetate. Alkaloids. Vitamins: Phenolcarbonic acids and their derivatives: coffeic, ferulic, chlorogenic, neochlorogenic. Flavonoids: the 7-7-glucoside of 4-metoxyskutellareine, the 7-7-glucoside of 6-gidroxyluteolin, 7-O-diglucoside of 6-gidroxyluteolin, cosmosiine, cynaroside. Leaves. Iridoids. Flavonoids.

Traditional Use and Activity Above-ground part. Diuretic, cholagogue, an anaesthetic. Infusion, juice (inside) – at a hepatitis, at arthralgia, a Barlow’s disease, various dermal rashes; decoction – at throat diseases; in the form of poultices-at traumas, laxative, at a hematuria. Seasoning like the cress-salad. The feed.