Portulaca oleracea

Plant Name Portulaca oleracea Linn
Botanical Info Annual, stems of 10-30 sm in length.
Geography Grows on sandy deposits, on shores of the rivers, fields, weedy places, in gardens.
Chemical Content Plant contains vitamins E, PP, carotin, flavonoids, organic and phenolcarbonic acids, alkaloids, betacyanins, oleracyns, in seeds a fat oil and starch.
Traditional Use and Activity In Kazakhstan, on Caucases the fresh plant uses at punctures of bees, treatment of tumours, a dysentery.
In the Chinese medicine decoction apply as antiinflammatory and diuretic.
Prescribes at a gonorrhea, mecotic colpites, disease of a liver, nephroses, at avitaminosis. As application at a scutal herpes and a pyoderma.

Used in scurvy and in diseases of liver, spleen, kidney and gall bladder; also in dysuria, stomatitis A paste of leaves is applied to swellings, erysipelas, burns and scalds. Seeds—diuretic, antidysenteric; applied externally to burns and scalds.