Plant Name
Verbena officinalis L.
Botanical Info
Perennial 30-70 cm heigh
Central Asia-all regions. Grows in meadows, in steppes, bushes, on wood suburbs, on rocks, glades. It is a garden weed. Found along the roads. Reaches elevation of up1200 m above the sea level.
Chemical Content
Iridoids: verbenalin, chastatoside. Steroids: p-sitosterin. Upperground part. Triterpenoids: lupeol, ursolic acid. Iridoids: aucubin. Steroids: p-sitosterin. Flavonoids: artemetin Seeds. Fatty oil.
Traditional Use and Activity
In Korean clinical practice multicomponent decoction recipe along with verbenalin drug is used in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. In Korean medicine, powder applied externally treatsĀ pains and tumours of men’s sexual organs. In the Chinese, Tibetan, and Korean medicines, the plant is used as sudorific for malaria and fever. External decoction has antitumoral properties and is used for cankers. In the Indian medicine, infusion is used as a contraceptive. An essence is used used in homeopathy. Other traditional medicinal properties- fortifying; expectorating, sudorific, cardiotonic, diuretic, lactogenic. It is used in the treatments of amenorrhea, menorrhagia, liver diseases, a lien, anaemia, disbolism, and clottages.