Plant Name | Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M. Johnst.
Syn.- Lithospermum arvense |
Botanical Info | Annual, 5-40 cm of height |
Geography | Central Asia: all districts, except Kyzyl-kum and Amu-Darya. Grows on stony, rubbly slopes,
sands, in oases, weedy on arables, in gardens, at height of 500-3000 m above sea-level |
Chemical Content | Upperground part. Steroids: β-Sitosterin. Flavonoids: Rutinum. The highest fatty acids: palmitic, myristic, lauric, oleinic, linolic, linolenic. Seeds. A fat oil -18 % |
Traditional Use and Activity | Has an antigonadotropic effect.
An infusion of the leaves is used as a diuretic. Roots (cortex). A source of a red paint for the cosmetic purposes, for wax tincturing. Leaves. In Spain (infusion)-sedative. |