Plant Name
Asperula humifusa (M. Bieb.) Besser
Syn.- Galium humifusum M. Bieb.
Botanical Info
Perennial, spreading 20-100 cm in length
Central Asia: all regions.
Grows on dry, petrous slopes, rocks, woods skirts, glades, harvested areas, pratums, in steppes, forests, river beds. It is a field weed found in long fallows, along the roads, in residential areas, on waste grounds.
Chemical Content
Rootstocks. Tannins. Anthraquinones 0.4 %: Upperground part. Iridoids 0.3 %: asperulosid, deacetylasperuloside , a monotropein. Vitamins: C. Phenolcarbonic acids and their derivatives: chlorogenic, 3-p-coumaroilchinic, 5-p-coumaroilchinic. Coumarins: umbelliferone. Flavonoids 1.73 %: isorojfolin, cynaroside, 7-arabinozilglucoside of luteoline, a 7-glucoside of diosmetine cosmociine, palustroside, Isorutinum.
Traditional Use and Activity
In Central Asia rootstocks decoction is used in the treatment of hepatitis. 10 %-s’ infusion shows weak diuretic properties in experiments. Rootstock is used as a dying agent for wool, including the use in carpet industry. In Central Asia, ground into powder upper ground part heals wounds; the decoction of it is used for diarrhea in the Crimea. Decoction, a liquid alcohol extract (infusion of 10 %-s’ solution of the materials and 10 %-s’ solution of coumarin have cardiotonic effect; alcoholic 10 % solution of the materials shows distinct hypotensive properties and stimulates a respiratory system) It is a feed for sheep, goats, large cattle: camels, horses. It is a decorative.