Plant Name
Scutellaria cordifrons Juz.
Botanical Info
Perennial. Low bush.
Tien Shan ( Karatau, Talassky Ala Tau, Karjantau, Ugam, Pskem, Sandalash, Chatkal, Kuraminsky ridges), Pamiro-Alai (the Turkestan ridge). Found on stony, rubbly slopes, on rocks, petrous scatterings, in gorges of the rivers, on the mid- and the upper areas of mountains.
Chemical Content
Plants of the genus Scutellaria L. (Lamiaccac) are rich sources of flavonoids, terpenoids, phenylpropanoids, and other biologically active compounds.
Column chromatography of chloroform extract of Scutellaria cordifrons gives two flavonoids.
Sample 1 was identified as (+)-5,2′-dihydroxy-6,7,6,-trimethoxyflavanone,
sample 2 was identified as (-)-5,2′-dihydroxy- 6,7,8.6′-tetramethoxyflavanone.
Other compounds from S. cordifrons have not been studied.
Traditional Use and Activity
No information available