Plant Name | Portulaca oleracea Linn |
Botanical Info | Annual, stems of 10-30 sm in length. |
Geography | Grows on sandy deposits, on shores of the rivers, fields, weedy places, in gardens. |
Chemical Content | Plant contains vitamins E, PP, carotin, flavonoids, organic and phenolcarbonic acids, alkaloids, betacyanins, oleracyns, in seeds a fat oil and starch. |
Traditional Use and Activity | In Kazakhstan, on Caucases the fresh plant uses at punctures of bees, treatment of tumours, a dysentery. |
In the Chinese medicine decoction apply as antiinflammatory and diuretic. | |
Prescribes at a gonorrhea, mecotic colpites, disease of a liver, nephroses, at avitaminosis. As application at a scutal herpes and a pyoderma.
Used in scurvy and in diseases of liver, spleen, kidney and gall bladder; also in dysuria, stomatitis A paste of leaves is applied to swellings, erysipelas, burns and scalds. Seeds—diuretic, antidysenteric; applied externally to burns and scalds. |