Plant Name
Сonvolvulus subhirsutus Regel et Schmalh.
Botanical Info
A perennial, up to 1m heigh
Central Asia-all regions. Grows on loessial slopes and foothills, as a weed in dry-farming land crops.
Chemical Content
Roots. Alkaloids (in %) 2: konvolvin 1.5, konvolamin 0.81, konvolvicin, konvolidin, konfolin, fillalbin, subhirsin. Upperground part. Alkaloids (in %) 0: konvolvin 1.057, konvolamin 0.28, konvolvicin, konvolvidin. Coumarins. Flavonoids. Seeds. Alkaloids: konvolvin, konvolamin.
Traditional Use and Activity
Roots and seeds have soothing properties. The plant is listed in pharmacopoeia (9-10th editions) as a source of alkaloids and their derivatives that are the basis of the Tropacine drug used as cholinolytic, ganglioblocking agent, being effective in Parkinson’s diseases, spastic paresises, paralyses, convulsive motorial paroxysms, spastic strictures of veins and a smooth musculation of organs of an abdominal cavity, in stomach and duodenum peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma. In obstetric practice it is used as spasmolytic warning premature birth and abortions; as an agent for the treatment of venenatings with phosphororganic compounds, cholinesterase poisons. The drug konvokain has been offered for application in otorhinolaryngological, ophthalmologic and stomatologic practice; it is used as the anaesthetic similar to cocaine and atropine. In Tajikistan, infusion are decoction heal and sooth healing being used as anticonvulsant, in the treatment of tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. In Uzbekistan, the leaves detoxify snakes punctures. Infusion and decoction shows acaricidic activity.