Plant Name Arum korolkowii Regel
Botanical Info A perennial, 25-60 cm high
Geography Central Asia: Mountain Turkmenistan (Kopet Dagh), Pamiro-Alaj (except Pamir and Shugnana), Tien Shan (West). Grown in arbour shadea, rock fractures, on taluses.
Chemical composition. Carbohydrates: glucomannans. An underground part: Saponins. Alkaloids. A fat oil of 0.89 %. Peduncules. Alkaloids.
Traditional Use and Activity. Decoction in experiment (an isolated heart of a frog) has shown unstable cardiotonic effect; the aether extract shows anti -fungal and antibacterial activity. An underground part extract – is used for acute respiratory diseases; dry and ground to intensifying potency; detoxicative for scorpions and hexapods punctures; when pounded with honey is used for dermatoses, leukoderma; when pounded with a sesamseed oil – for hemorrhoids exacerbation. Dry plant is a starch source. Fruit extract is used to dye silk in honey or nut colour.
It is a decorative plant. The plant is toxic in its fresh, raw, state.