Plant Name
Artemisia baldshuanica Krasch. & Zaprjag.
Botanical Info
Subshrub, 60-100cm heigh
Indigenous to Central Asia. It grows in Uzbekistan in the foothills of the Nuratin, Turkestan, Zarafshan, and Gissar Ranges. It is found on the rubbly slopes in the lower-and mid mountain zones.
Chemical Content
In the essential oil(0.18—0.36 %) were identified alpha-pinene, beta-pinene -about 60%, tujilic alcohol 16% , tujilacetate, tujilvalerate. In the benzene extract the main constituents were (in%) the hydrocarbons 5,5-dimethyl-l-ethyl-l,3-cyclopentadiene (24.41), tetratriacontane (2.48), and nonacosane (2.23); the monoterpenoids 1,8-cineol (23.59), alpha-thujone (6.50), beta-thujone (5.53), and camphor (4.76); the sesquiterpenoid chrysanthenone (11.80); and the sesquiterpene lactone ambrosine (4.54). Alkaloids
Traditional Use and Activity
Leaves juice has anthelminthic properties. Tetraacontane, nonacosane, and 1-eicosanol are specific attractants for pollinating insects, whereas the volatile monoterpcnoids a- and beta -thujone, camphor, and 1,8-cineol are active inhibitors of seed growth and the growth of sprouts of surrounding annual plants.