Plant Name
Arctium tomentosum Mill. Syn. – Arctium leptophyllum Klokov.
Botanical Info
Large herbaceous biennial plant, 60 to 180cm heigh
Grows in Europe and Western and Central Asia. Found in gardens, waste lands, near houses and roads preferring the fertilised soils.
Chemical Content
Roots contain 45 % of polysaccharide of an inulin, about 0,17 % of an essential oil , oily materials, paltimitinic and stearinic acids, Sitosterin and a stigmasterol, tannins, derivative a coumarin, seskviterpenic lactons, organic acids, pitchy materials. In leaves and flowers there are flavonoids, anthocyans and an ascorbic acid; in leaves – to 18 mg of % of carotin, and also flavonoids of routines and hyperoside; from flowers are secreted ljuteolin and Rutinum.
Traditional Use and Activity
In medical practice burdock roots are applied in the form of decoction and infusion as diuretic. Burdock roots are widely used in Western medicine in the treatment of eczemas and other skin disorders. Burdock oil is used externally and is rubbed into the hair to fortify them to prevent hair loss. In the traditional medicine the plant root is diuretic and sudorific and is used in the treatment of rheumatic disease, podagra , diabetes mellitus, eczemas, furunculosis, herpeses, scab. Roots and leaves are used in the treatment of radiculitis, sciatica, neuralgic and other pains; and also in the treatment of tumours, dropsies, and bruises when applied in the form of 10 % vodka infusions.