Plant Name Асгоptilon repens (L) DC (Acroptiion picris (Pall. ex. Willd.) C.A. Mey., Centaurea picris Pall. ex. Willd
Botanical Info Family III. ACROPTILON Cass. Acroptiion picris.
Асгоptilon repens, 15-75 cm height.
Geography Europe: Volga-Don, Trans-Volga, Lower Don, Black Sea Coast, Crimea, Lower Volga; Caucasus: all areas, except Western Caucasus;
Western Siberia: upper Tobolsk.(south) Irtysh(south), Altai(south-west);
Central Asia: all areas, except mountainous Turkmenistan Kopetdag. In the steppes, saline meadows, salty marshes, sandy-gravelly, rocky banks of rivers, lakes, rocky, clay slopes, waste lands, in fields, along roads, from the lowlands to an altitude of 2,800 m above sea level, quarantine weed.
Chemical Content natural rubber, sesquiterpenoids: repin and akroptilin
Traditional Use and Activity In Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia (decoction) – for malaria and epilepsy; In Tajikistan (externally)- scabies; In water and alcohol extracts sesquiterpenoids exhibit antibacterial, anti-protozoan, antifungal activity. In Tajikistan (fruits) – antihelmintic agent (Anthelminthics). The meliferous plant (Honey plant) – feed for sheep and camels. Insecticide. Toxic for horses and foals.